The Moments Between Breaths

While hustling the fast-paced, technological and information saturated world, finding spaciousness can be challenging. If our previous blog with glimmer tips was useful and you feel like levelling-up to a higher self-awareness you can also incorporate what we call β€œSpiritual Glimmers”.

Spiritual satisfaction as we all know well, can be elusive. However, spiritual glimmers offer a sense of fulfilment and purpose in our daily lives ~ without becoming too overwhelmed by the hugeness of the word at large.

Spiritual glimmers are small moments of inspiration or insight that provide a deeper understanding of ourselves and the environment around us. They can be a powerful source of motivation and can help us feel more connected to our spiritual selves.

Small moments add up, daily/weekly/monthly/annually; Once you start enabling little glimmers throughout your life they accumulate…

Creating spiritual glimmers doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. By incorporating simple habits into our daily routine, we can create a compounding effect that leads to a deeper sense of spiritual satisfaction over time. Here are some tips for purposefully creating more spiritual glimmers in your lifestyle:

  1. Practice breathing techniques: When we are present in the moment, we are more open to spiritual glimmers. By bringing our awareness to the breath, we can develop a deeper awareness of our bodily sensations, thoughts and emotions, thus connecting with our spiritual selves.

  2. Engage in daily spiritual practices: Whether it's meditation, prayer, or journaling, daily internalised practices can help us create a ritual that may leads to accumulating spiritual glimmers over time.

  3. Seek opportunities for spiritual expansion: By stepping outside of our comfort zones and trying new practices, we can expand our understanding of spirituality and create new opportunities for spiritual glimmers.

  4. Connect with like-minded individuals: Finding a community of like-minded individuals can be a powerful way to create spiritual glimmers. By sharing experiences and insights with others, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own spirituality.

  5. Live intentionally: By living intentionally and purposefully, we can create a lifestyle that aligns with our spiritual values and beliefs. This can lead to a sense of fulfilment and purpose that is deeply connected to our spiritual selves.

  6. Put away your devices: Living without devices is good for the soul. Taking time to be uninterrupted and not distracted. To be present and focused with the world in front of our eyes and senses now - in the moment.

Creating glimmer moments for ourselves every day can be a purpose-driven path to building resilience, therefore strengthening our ability to internally cope with the challenges of life. By practicing gratitude, connecting with nature, engaging in creative activities, practicing mindfulness, and connecting with others, we can create more moments of light in the darkness and build a more hopeful and positive outlook on life.

How to enact the above list practically and simply:

  1. Practice breathing techniques: Set a bell timer for a specific time in the day. When the bell rings take a round of eight (8) mindful breaths.

  2. Engage in daily spiritual practices: Meditate for 10mins either in the morning or in the evening and/or journal everyday.

  3. Seek opportunities for spiritual expansion: Read about different historical spiritual practices, read books that detail an individuals spiritual journey.

  4. Connect with like-minded individuals: Check out spiritually directed podcasts, find the communities and forums around these, or share with friends.

  5. Live intentionally: Make a list of 5 core spiritual values you would like to start living today.

  6. Put away your devices: Schedule a reminder to exist without devices. You might begin with a small duration of time like 30mins and increase this to 2hours per day. Or set an alarm for turning off devices for the day (right before dinner or 1 hour before bed are good examples).

Going deeper and enhancing our ability to create spiritual glimmers in our daily lives can be a powerful way to find peace and deep satisfaction. By being in our bodies, breathing with intention in the present moment, engaging in daily spiritual practices, seeking opportunities for expansion, connecting with like-minded individuals, and living intentionally, we can purposefully create more spiritual glimmers EVERY SINGLE DAY. Remember that these small moments of inspiration can compound over time, leading to a lifetime of days we are proud to have lived.